Interested in an internship with Barb Wired?
The Barb Wired Internship program was established in 2005 and hosts several new recruits annually.
Interns have flexible schedules and may commit to specific events based on availability. Initially, most events are unpaid however, meals are included and carpooling is often an option.
An intern’s ability to move up the ranks is based on the skill level as it develops and availability. We network extensively in the region and help place members of our team in permanent jobs with other associates.
“Having devoted over a decade to my tenure with Barb Wired, I have garnered substantial insights into the event industry, honing skills in diplomacy, time management, and project management. The internship experience I undertook extends its applicability to diverse occupations, and I consider it a privilege to collaborate with exceptional individuals who have become akin to a professional family. The gratification of engaging with esteemed clients and nurturing robust relationships adds a fulfilling dimension to my professional journey.”
“Vicki Collins was one of our first interns rising quickly to a director and is now a top executive with the Hilton in Dallas, Texas. When asked how she felt about the Barb Wired team, she responded “I don’t think of us so much as a team, but more like family”. That’s the way we feel about our clients too.”